Sales and Marketing Interview Questions - What are some of the best responses to "Sell me this pen/pencil" in a job interview?


When the hiring manager hires a new salesperson, one of the most frequent tests you can face in an interview is Sell a random item, then they grade your performance.  He wants to spot if you are a poor salesman or a good salesman.

 I am Hr Manager and I use this test in all of my in personal interviews for entry-level and experienced salespeople. I never assume that just because you have experience selling something that you actually understand HOW to sell.

"If the buyer is not having a pen earlier - What can be the reason for not having a pen? "

Educate your buyer with the necessary knowledge of how your Pen (Product) is going to help your buyer and solve his problem. Understand how your product is different from other market players. Knowing this answer can be done with the better knowledge of your prospect (or) lead. You need to have insights of your customer very clearly.

The poor salesman talks about the product features, don't ask questions and also doesn't try to identify the clients' real reason for purchase.

I've repeated this test hundred of times over the years and more than 80% of all candidates regardless of previous sales experience immediately pick up the pen, tell me it's a great pen, tell me that it's ink doesn't jam, and will be a great purchase for me. Some go on for several minutes  and tell me how durable, long lasting, and versatile it is, without ever asking why I want the pen, how I'm going to be using it, or even remotely paying attention to my "needs" as a customer.

The candidates that go on to be superstars, are usually the ones that look at the pen, and say to me, "What will you be using your pen for?". That's the instinct that I look for in a salesperson. A focus on the customer's needs instead of the sale. The other candidates that get past that test are the ones that realize the mistake they made, can explain it to me, and get it right on the next try without coaching.

Follow these steps to give your best answer:

Step #1.  Ask the person what they do. 

You want to understand what kind of person you are selling to. How will they use your product?  If they are in management, they probably sign important documents and checks.

Listening to them will give you background and hints as to how to most effectively persuade them to buy this pen.

Step #2.  Acknowledge how important their job is and get them talking about the last time they used a pen.

Link their job importance to their use of your product. Signing checks are important. They don't want to be wasting time looking for a pen, or using one that is running out of ink. Their signature is important and should look strong.

Highlight a feature of the pen you are selling, and associate it with a signature fitting for the work they are doing. For example, if they are signing important legal documents they should sign in your pen's strong blue ink, so they can distinguish the original document from a copy.

Gauge their reaction to the usefulness of the pen and the power it wields.

Step #3.  Highlight an emotional use of the pen. 

In step #2 you sold them on the importance and practical uses of your product. Now in the next step, sell them on the emotional benefits of your product. Using the pen for writing a handwritten note. 

Tell them a story. Highlight how you have started writing your spouse, parents, and friends handwritten notes. Get them thinking about someone in their life that they appreciate, and that they would like to thank. 
Make an emotional and personal connection with the pen. The handwritten card and bright blue signed ink can be their trademark.

Step #4.  Hand them back the pen and close the deal.

Close with connecting to the things that they connected most strongly to.

If they seemed to resonate more with step #2, tell them it's time to buy the pen and get back to work signing contracts. 

If they told you their mother's birthday is tomorrow and they haven't gotten her a gift yet, tell them it's time to buy the pen and write her a special card.



Sales and Marketing Interview Questions - What are some of the best responses to "Sell me this pen/pencil" in a job interview? Sales and Marketing Interview Questions - What are some of the best responses to "Sell me this pen/pencil" in a job interview? Reviewed by kidebwaymnyama media on November 02, 2019 Rating: 5

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