job opportunities at JHPIEGO Tanzania


Jhpiego is an intemational non-profit health organization affiliated with the Johns Hopkins University. For more than 46 years now, Jhpiego has empowered front-line health workers by designing and implementing effective, low-cost, hands-on solutions to strengthen the delivery of health care services for women and their families. By putting evidence-based health innovations into everyday practice, Jhpiego works to break down barriers to high-quality health care for the world's most vulnerable populations. Jhpiego, implementing a number of projects in Tanzania, wishes to recruit for the following positions.
Quality and Performance Improvement Advisor [One position based in Mwanza]
Position Overview:
The Quality and Performance Improvement Advisor will ensure quality is core of project implementation, S/he will provide overall technical leadership to the USAID Boresha Afya Project program in inplemening qualtyingrovernant (2)
evidence-based G-ANC interventions at both facility and community levels across the continuum of care in improving cients’ expenence and quality of antenatal care. He/She will provide technical leadership to support expanded coverage and scale-up of GANC interventions as a core component of
gnition (SBM-R), supportive supervision, infection prevention and contro! (PC) and resutts-hased financing (RBF), The includes technical guidance to key MoHCDGEC officials and implementing partners on capacity building for performance and =
ANC. In this position. the officer will emphasize intermittent Preventive treatment in pregnancy in addition to early ANC booking, effective
int for pregnant women with the gestation below 20, and facilitate the GANC activities. The officer will also work with the broader G-ANC services to
improvement in hesith caro settings. The Advisor will guide devel
performance standards and indicators, conduct intemal and aoa ‘apsoesmonts to Measure progress over timo, assist in tracking results, and work with colleagues to recognize facilities achieving high quality services. The OPI Adwsor is wellversed in quality improvement and qualily assurance methodologies and provides guidance on sustaining high performing health
Required Qualifications:
. Manoel depeche organization development, performance Improvemant, NUMAA fesource development, or a related field, clinical degree preferred
Minimum of 5 years! experience using performance improvement andlor Quality assurance metnodoiogics in matamal and Aewhom health, reproductive health, HIV/AIDS, or other clinical areas
             Technical expertise in gap analysis, change management, RBF and
profossional motivanon appronehes
Demonstrated experience in developing and implementing quality
improvement interventions within health care settings
Proven skills in facilitation, team building. capacity building and coordination
             Expenence working with intemational NGOs, intemational donors, senior goverment officials and policymakers:
             Excellent interpersonal, writing and oral presentation skills
             Ateam player accustomed to building team capacity, delegating working
teams and developing communities of leaming among partners and
Ability to work in a complex environment with multiple tasks, short deadines
and intense pressure to perform
             Fluency in English and Swahili
             Ability to travel frequently and on short notice
cer, Midwifery [One position
Position Overview: ‘The Midwifery Technical Officer provides technical and programmatic support to
Maternal and Newbom health (MNH) interventions in the respective regions, = including the assessment, implementation, and monitoring of training programs ~~
and clinical services. The officer works closely with R/CHMTs to ensure delivery
of quality matemal and newborn care services in health facilities as per USAID building | coaching andumentoring:
bones Afya fy Strategias and work plan This includes wt ‘on midwifery for service providers through training,
implementation of service protocols and standards; and data collection. for service improvement.He/she will also be responsible for KMC and ENC as well as ANC, PNC, L&D in the scope of BEmONC package.
Sualteaters eet Rowman: * Qualification as a midwife or nurse/midwife required, advanced diploma andlor degree desirable + Atleast 3 years work experience in reproductive and maternal and new bom health programs with progressively increasing responsibilities A record of being proficient in specific RMNCH servicé provision + Certified at least 2 years clinical training experience for theory and practice; excellent facilitation skills including delivering an interactive presentation, participatory and experiential methods, Current knowledge in the field of matemal and child health, including infection prevention, antenatal care, family planning, PMTCT, essential and emergency maternal and newborn Care, @tc. * Solid communication, verbally and inin English and Kiswahili + Proven record of working effectively within a team Demonstrated_ self-management. (i.e. motivation, dealing with pressure, adaptability). + Willingness to work in rural districts Experience working ON USAID programs, with RHMTs, CHMTs, CSOs + Working and living experience in the Lake and Westem Zones will be an added advantage + Excellence in computer skills applicatian (Excel, Ms-word, Power Point, and invernety
Position Overview:
The Senior Toehnical Otheer, Community Engagement, Outreach and Gender
wall provide leadership at regional level on engaging commurvties in situational analysis. designing program strategies, implementation and monitoring of program results in the particular region. The position will aloo focus on addressing gender issues related to uptake of health services, especally, reepoctful car. ocnder-based violence, male nome and involvement. and addressing user bamore, To cffoclivcly engage communities, ne postion will also provide leadership gt to rogional level in providing technical and monoocrial expetive for local CSOe to Supper ommunity baved interventions.
Required Qualifications.
             Minimum of @ Bacholor degree or equivalent in public noaith, community
diavelopmont, cogielogy or othor rokevant fekd
             Fapesience building capacity at individual and organizational levels including for local syd grantees; Curent knowiggge in tho fold of HIV/AIDS and maternal newpom and ohild healt ingluging éntenalal care, family planning, PMTCT, and emergency Marernal ANd newborn care Skill in at leas! hwo or more of the FOROWING technical areas: strengthening service dellvery programs, taining. sub graniees managemem and supsevision, pOrOrManod ond quality Improvement, monioring and evaluation, AAd tacilitabon
             Minimum 5 years’ experigncd In managing commanity health programs Prior waining oxpenence for literate and non-iterate audiences; experience in participatory methods
ensur prehensive and integrated prog ig GANC to improve quality of ANC
Required Qualifications
             Advanced degree in ‘and Maduttery or Midwitery
             Strong clinical experience in application of Antenatal care, malaria andior ‘Matomal Noalth services
             Atleast 3 years of professional and program implementation experience in
public and or private health programs.
Exporionce working with GoT health systems and personnel
Demonstrated experience of working on dOnorfundod projects wil De
added value
             Ability to perform in a complex environment with Multiple tasks, short deadlines and intense pressure
             Excellent analytical, communication, presentation and report writing skills
Effective facilitation skills both clinical and non-clinical
Team player with experience in working in igams, managing multi-cultural
staf, eam building and coordination skis
Ability to travel up to 40% of the times
             Computer literate with skills in MS Office Suite.
             Fluency in English and Kiswahili
Study Coordinator [One po:
PE Eun.
Position Overview:
The Studies Coordinator wil be responsible for oversight and quality assurance for all activities of the studies as per protocol and guidance from the principal investigator. S{he) will be responsible for ensuring that studies sites have data collection fools and coordinating data collection, entry, cleaning and storage in the secure Jnpiego database. S{he) will serve as a point of communication and coordinationbetween study teams, project technical staff, RICHMTs, study consultants, Research Assistantsidata collectors, and facilityicommunity
)yleadership during study implementation. The coordinator will be required to ' develop and manage study implementation framework and plans to capture all
necessary studies deliverables and provide effective, accurate and timely reporting ofall study activites.
Required Qualifications: « Master's degree in public health, demography, sociology, epidemiology, biostatistics, or related field or equivalent experience 3+ years of work experience in andlor coordinating research * Demonstrated experience and familiarity with behavioral surveillance surveys, research methodologies, qualitative and quantitative research methods, data analysis, sampling methods, report writing Proficiency with MS Office applications. Knowledge of statistical packages is an added advantage. * Team player with experience in working in teams, managing multi-cultural staff, team building and coordination skills. * Ability to travel up to 50% of the time, * Excellent analytical, communication, presentation and report writing skills.
ee Cee CRU cure)
The Senior Grants Offcer (SGO)
wil be responsible for oversight and management of the sub grants under Jhpiego/Tanzania’s USAID Boresha Afya program. S/he advises and assists in the design, development, and oversight of the sub-grants management policies, procedures and practices. Provides guidance and interpretation of grants policy for program staff as well as grantees. Assist the Grants manager to analyze and evaluates grant applications, and awards to ensure adherence to grants management policies and donor requirements and work closely with the technical team to analyze work plans, budget estimates, and Milestones for reasonableness and consistency. He/she will be required to travel to the field to conduct compliance visits from time to time
Required Qualifications:
* Bachelor degree in Finance, Economics, project management or related field (Master's degree prefered] Professional training related to grants management is an added advantage * Minimum of five (5) years of post-qualification experience in grants management position in a reputable NGO or development agency. + Program management skills + Communication and interpersonal skilis - Strong written and oral communication skills, * Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to deal with staff at all levels + Tax Knowlodge - In depth knowledge of Tanzania income tax reguiatons + Understanding of USAID rules and reguianons + Supervisory skills- Abdity to Mentor and train other Finance staff + Knowledge of the Microsoft office suite + Knowledge of sub awards and mandatory award roquirements
JNpIegO offers a compelitive package selected candidates in line with salary history, academic qualifications and relevant experiance.
‘T2pply pioaso indicate the ject line
oro on should alsa joclucle an up-to-date CY wy ig Jatt if bisloy Applications, whieh do NOT include ALL of these olomonts, will NOT be consigered, through = emrailt Electronics applications aro encouraged. “The subject on your application ‘email should DO thé Title of the position you are applying for. so that we do nat miss your application. Please note that only shortlisted candidates will bo contacted. The closing date for applications is Wednesday 12 June 2019, at 5:00 P.M.
             Prior in of con
y health workers, of BCC materials, ‘and data collection
             Experience working with USAID-funded projects, MoHCDGEC, and Local Governments
Senior Technical Officer, Midwifery G-ANC [One position based in Mwanza}
Position Overview:
Senior Technical Officer,
 Midwifery G-ANC will lead the scale-up of approaches to Group Antenatal Care, organize the group antenatal care (G-ANC) activities, oversee the G-ANC training, supportive supervision and mentorship in line with the national ANC guidelines. S/he will provide technical assistance to integrate
Jhipiego is an equal ity employer der, equity and diversity Persons with disabilities and othor minority groups are encouraged to @pply
Caution to the applicants:
There have been some bogus adverts online that require candidates to apply through some email addresses of public domains e.g. Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail, etc. Kindly note: is the address to use for this recruitment, Please ignore any of those adverts. We also do not charge any application fee nor entertain any meetings or telephone calls, If shortlisted, you will get an official call from our office and receive required steps. If you suspect any wrong ~ doing kindly write to the Director of Human Resource, through i]
Source: The Guardian May 27, 2019


job opportunities at JHPIEGO Tanzania job opportunities at JHPIEGO Tanzania Reviewed by kidebwaymnyama media on May 27, 2019 Rating: 5

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